Clinical Psychology of Rehabilitation

Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: PASQUALE CAPONNETTO

Expected Learning Outcomes

To know principles to clinical psychology

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, role playing

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

Acquisition of a theory of psychological that allows the use of intervention techniques in the light of a specific theoretical model. Lesson will be proposed in order to develop specific skills for conducting an intervention, with particular reference to the stages that characterize it: observation, exploration, interpretation will be highlight. Integrated management of the main methods of clinical psychology, such as interview, assessment, reporting, analysis of the demand.

Critical review of the basics of psychological intervention. Contextualization of the major theoretical and operational issues within a clinical psychological approach in the light of an integrated theoretical perspective. Focusing on early intervention. Efficacy and effectiveness.

Content of the training

- The different theoretical models in clinical psychology.

-assessment In clinical psychology.


-treatment in clinical psychology.

-Analysis of psychopathological case series.

Textbook Information

titoloMedicina psicosomatica e psicologia clinica
sottotitoloModelli teorici, diagnosi, trattamento - Nuova edizione
CollanaPsichiatria psicoterapia neuroscienze
EditoreRaffaello Cortina Editore


-cap 1, 2,3,4, 5: 

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11. What is "psychosomatic medicine"? 21 Psychosomatics: An Emerging Question 21 Psychosomatics: The Problem of the Hyphen 30 History of Modern Psychosomatic Medicine 32 Key Points 41 2. The Mind-Body Relationship 43 Psychosomatics as a Paradox 43 Somatogenetic Pathway and Psychogenetic Pathway: non-clinical situations 43 Somatogenetic and psychogenetic pathways: clinical situations 47 Representations of the mind-body relationship 52 Psychosomatic in common lay representations 52 Psychosomatic in medical communicationpatient 56 Psychosomatics in expert representations 60 Mind-body unity: from myth to neuroscience 63 Mind-body: classical Greek culture 63 Mind-body: mind-brain relationship 67 Mind-body: affective neuroscience 73 Mind-bodybody: the interpersonal dimension 91 Mind-body: epigenetics 99 Key points summarized 119 3. The theoretical framework of diagnosis in psychosomatics 121 So what? Assessment in psychosomatics between psychology and medicine 121 Psychosocial assessment and categorical diagnosis 121 The usefulness of diagnosis in psychosomatics 125 Diagnosis in psychosomatics 127 Perception of health and perception of illness 130 Health as silence of the body 130 From physical sensation to somatic symptom 134 Anxiety for health 139 The biopsychosocial model: health and disease in the third millennium 146 Traditional biomedical and psychogenetic models of disease 146 The biopsychosocial model of disease 149 The new face of diseases in contemporary society 154 Depression and physical diseases: microbiota and immune system 165 Summary key points 188 4. Relative weights and psychosomatic diagnosis 191 The biopsychosocial model: relative weights and disease behavior 191 The concept of relative weight 191 The disease experience (illness experience) 195 Abnormal disease behavior (abnormal illness behavior) 199 Individual disease styles and somatization 205 Somatic amplification somatosensory (somatosensory amplification) 205 Attributive style of disease (attributional style) 213 The representation of disease (illness representation) 218 The allostatic stress load (allostatic load) 226 Patterns of attachment in psychosomatics 233 The sense of loneliness (loneliness) 251 The construct of alexithymia 260 Psychosomatic diagnosis and assessment of relative weights 274 Summary key points 281 5. Diagnostic approaches and classification in psychosomatics 283 Classification of somatoform disorders 283 Categorical approach and dimensional approach 283 Somatization disorders in the dsm-5 and in icd-11 287 Somatization disorders according to pdm-2 314 Summary Key Points 322titoloMedicina psicosomatica e psicologia clinicasottotitoloModelli teorici, diagnosi, trattamento - Nuova edizioneAutorePiero PorcelliCollanaPsichiatria psicoterapia neuroscienzeEditoreRaffaello Cortina EditorePagine322Pubblicazione10/2022ISBN9788832854855-cap 1, 2,3,4, 5: